NAWDO is the primary network for senior waste managers within local authorities with statutory responsibilities for waste disposal.  With over 80 members NAWDO membership represents around 80% of all local authorities with waste disposal duties and includes London Boroughs, Joint Waste Disposal Authorities, Waste Partnerships, Metropolitan, Unitary and County Councils from all UK regions (with the exception of Scotland). NAWDO's members manage around three quarters of the nation's municipally managed waste. 

The organisation has excellent working relationships with DEFRA and leading industry bodies. It runs regular meetings, which provide members with first hand opportunities to hear from, speak to and ask questions of, key leaders and stakeholders within the waste management industry, regulators and central government.

Our priorities are:

  • To maintain and further develop good working relations with key government officials in Defra; DCLG; BEIS and Treasury and with the LGA to influence policy and legislation at a formative stage and to lobby for change.
  • To respond to relevant government consultations.
  • To represent NAWDO on relevant working groups or at relevant meetings.
  • Liaise with other Local Authority Officer representative bodies to further the interests of local government in the field of resource and waste management.
  • To enable members to easily share knowledge and information amongst the membership.
  • To provide regular meetings to allow for face-to-face information exchange between the membership and with key industry representatives and government officials.

NAWDO's Excecutive Committee:

Jon Hastings
Head of Strategy and Development, East London Waste Authority
Ken Lawson
Waste Strategic Client Manager,  Bristol City Council 
Eleanor Hayward
Senior Strategy and Policy Manager, North London Waste Authority 
Jarno Stet
Waste and Recycling Manager, City of Westminster
Membership Secretary and Treasurer
Amy Nebel
Recycling Contracts Manager,  Peterborough City Council 


Policy & Advisory Committee members     

Name                                Authority 

Shaun Askins                    Luton Council

Zoe Austin                        North London Waste Authority

Gurbaksh Badhan            Buckinghamshire Council

Wendy Barratt                  Devon County Council

Tom Beagan                     West London Waste Authority

Vicky Beechey                  Oxfordshire Waste Partnership

Neil Carrett                       South London Waste Partnership

Sam Horne                       Hampshire County Council

Jane Hughes                    Suffolk County Council 

Joel Hull                           Norfolk County Council

Barbara Jones/ Barbara Herridge (shared role)  Cumbria County Council

Duncan Jones                  Hertfordshire Waste Partnership

Matthew King                   Hertfordshire County Council

Andrew Lappage              East London Waste Authority

Paul Laughlin                    Hampshire County Council

Ruth Robinson                  Derbyshire County Council

Marcus Rogers                 Central Bedfordshire Council

Isaac Rosen (maternity cover)  North London Waste Authority

Nigel Shilton                      Leicestershire County Council 

Adam Smith                      Cambridgeshire County Council 

Glynn Stevenson              Merseyside Waste & Recycling Authority 

Tim Walker                       ARC21